Monday, September 30, 2019
Globalization and International Business Essay
Introduction 1. The meaning of globalization * Broadly: the widening set of interdependent relationships among people from different parts of a world that happens to be divided into nations. * Narrowly: the integration of world economies through the elimination of barriers to movements of goods, services, capital, technology, and people. A. How Does International Business Fit In? * International business consists of all commercial transactions between two or more countries. The goal of private business is to make profits; Governments may undertake them either for profit or for other reasons. a. The Study of International Business * Most managers need to approach their operating strategies from an international standpoint. * Managers in almost any industry need to consider (1) where to obtain the inputs they need of the required quality and at the best possible price and (2) where you can best sell the product or service you’ve put together from those inputs. * Studying IB is important because (1) most companies either are international or compete with international companies, (2) the best way of conducting business may differ by country, (3) an understanding helps you make better career decisions, and (4) an understanding helps you decide what governmental policies to support. b. Understanding the Environment/Operations Relationship The Forces Driving Globalization * Globalization (1) has been growing, (2) is less pervasive than generally thought, (3) has economic and non economic dimensions, and (4) is stimulated by several factors. * The A.T. Kearney / Foreign Policy Globalization Index: some countries are more globalized than others, and a given country may be highly globalized on one dimension and not another. This index ranks countries across four dimension; * Economic – international trade and investment * Technological – Internet connectivity * Personal contact- international travel and tourism, international telephone traffic, and personal transfers of funds abroad * Political – participation in international organizations and government monetary transfers A. Factors in Increased Globalization a. Increase in and Application of Technology * Population growth, Economic growth * Innovations in transportation mean that more countries can compete for sales to a given market. b. Liberalization of Cross-Border Trade and Resource Movements c. Development of Services That Support International Business * Converting one currency to another, insurance d. Growing Consumer Pressures e. Greater Global Competition * Born-global companies: start out with a global focus because of their founders’ international experience and because advances in communications give them a good idea of where global markets and supplies are. * Clustering or Agglomeration: the situation in which many new companies locate in areas with numerous competitors and suppliers; they quickly learn of foreign opportunities and gain easier access to the resources needed for international moves. f. Changing Political Situation * A major reason for growth in IB is the end of the schism between Communist countries and the rest of the world. g. Expanded Cross-National Cooperation * To gain reciprocal advantages * To attack problems jointly that one country acting alone cannot solve * The resources needed to solve the problem may be too great for one country to manage; sometimes no single country is willing to pay for a project that will also benefit another country. * One country’s policies may affect those of others. * To deal with areas of concern that lie outside the territory of any nation * Three global areas belong to no single country: the non-coastal areas of the oceans, outer space, and Antarctica. The Costs of Globalization * Critics of globalization claim (1) countries lose sovereignty, (2) the resultant growth hurts the environment, and (3) some people lose both relatively and absolutely. A. Threats to national sovereignty * Sovereignty: its freedom to â€Å"act locally†and without externally imposed restrictions. a. The Question of Local Objectives and Policies b. The Question of Small Economies’ Overdependence c. The Question of Cultural Homogeneity B. Economic Growth and Environmental Stress a. The Argument for Global Growth and Global cooperation C. Growing Income Inequality and Personal Stress a. Income Inequality(disparity) * Challenge: to maximize the gains from globalization while simultaneously minimizing the costs borne by the losers. b. Personal Stress * The growth of globalization goes hand in hand not only with increased insecurity about job and social status but also with costly social unrest. Why Companies Engage in International Business A. Expanding Sales B. Acquiring Resources (R&D, Design) * Foreign sources may give companies (1) lower costs, (2) new or better products, (3) additional operating knowledge. C. Reducing Risk (Sales, Price swings) * International operations may reduce operating risk by (1) smoothing sales and profits, (2) preventing competitors from gaining advantages. Modes of Operations in International Business A. Merchandise Exports and Imports * The export and import of goods are the major sources of international revenues and expenditures. B. Service Exports and Imports * For non-merchandise international earnings, we call it service exports & imports. a. Tourism and Transportation b. Service Performance * Turnkey operations: construction projects performed under contract and transferred to owners when they’re operational. * Management contracts: arrangements in which one company provides personnel to perform general or specialized management functions for another. c. Asset Use * Licensing agreements: when one company allows another to use its asset such as trademarks, patents, copyrights, or expertise under contracts known as licensing agreements, they receive earnings called royalties. * Franchising: a mode of business in which one party (the franchisor) allows another (the franchisee) to use a trademark as an essential asset of the franchisee’s business. Royalties also come from franchise contracts. C. Investments * Dividends and interest paid on foreign investments are also considered service exports and imports because they represent the use of assets (capital). * Foreign investment means ownership of foreign property in exchange for a financial return, such as interest and dividends, and it make take two forms: direct and portfolio. a. Direct Investment(foreign direct investment, FDI) * Investor takes a controlling interest in a foreign company * When two or more companies share ownership of an FDI, the operation is a joint venture. b. Portfolio Investment * Non-controlling financial interest in another entity. * It usually takes one of two forms: stock in a company or loans to a company in the form of bonds, bills, or notes purchased by the investor. D. Types of International Organizations * Collaborative arrangements: companies work together in joint ventures, licensing agreements, management contracts, minority ownership, and long-term contractual arrangements. * Strategic Alliance: is sometimes used to mean the same, but it usually refers either to an agreement that is of critical importance to one or more partners or to an agreement that does not involve joint ownership. a. Multinational Enterprise (MNE) * Any company with foreign direct investments. * Multinational corporation or multinational company (MNC), Transnational company (TNC) in US. Why International Business Differs from Domestic Business External environment that may affect international operations. A. Physical and Social Factors * Any of these factors may require a company to alter its operation abroad (compared to domestically) for the sake of efficiency. a. Geographic Influences * Geographic barriers often affect communications and distribution channels. * Population distribution and the impact of human activity on the environment may exert strong future influences on IB. b. Political Policies * A nation’s political policies influence how international business takes place within its borders. * Political disputes particularly military confrontations can disrupt trade and investment. c. Legal Policies * Legal law: includes both home- and host-country regulations on such matters as taxation, employment, and foreign-exchange transactions. * International law: in the form of legal agreements between countries, determines how earnings are taxed by all jurisdictions. It may also determine how companies can operate in certain places. d. Behavioral Factors * The related disciplines of anthropology, psychology, and sociology can help managers better understand different values, attitudes, and beliefs. In turn, such understanding can help mangers make operational decisions abroad. e. Economic Forces * Economics explains why countries exchange goods and services, why capital and people travel among countries in the course of business, and why one country’s currency has a certain value compared to another’s. B. The Competitive Environment a. Competitive Strategy for Products: Products compete by means of cost of differentiation strategies, the latter usually by: * Developing a favorable brand image, usually through advertising or from long-term consumer experience with the brand; or * Developing unique characteristics, such as through R&D efforts or different means of distribution. b. Company Resources and Experience * A company’s size and resources compared to those of its competitors. c. Competitors Faced in Each Market * Success in a market (whether domestic or foreign) often depends on whether the competition is also international or local.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Ten-Foot-Square Hut
Zhao Meng Cui Buddhism Professor Broughton Mon 6:45pm-9:45pm Ten-Foot-Square Hut The Ten-Foot Square Hut is more of a story book to me rather than any religion related book. Kamo no Chomei describe the arrival of the mappo is complete chaos. First, there is a huge fire broke out on a windy night in the third year of the Angen era(1177) in the capital city. The fire was spread widely. Houses were torched; people were chocked to death by smoke or burned to death alive. The result of the fire was â€Å"Sixteen mansions of the nobility were consumed by the fire, to say nothing of untold numbers of other dwellings.Fully one third of the capital was destroyed; several thousand men and women perished. †Second, there is a huge whirlwind hit the capital again in the Jisho ear(1180). Four or five blocks of the city were destroyed. People lost their house, belongings, and lives. The southwestern area next to the city was damaged as well due to the wind moved that way down. Third, the re location of the capital and changing in politics. New capital was built in a different location up north in the mountain area by the sea. Kamo no chomei was also noticed the persons that he knew were riding on horses like the warrior clans instead of sitting in ox cart.People were still living in the fear of the fire. Fourth, the hunger comes around the Yowa era (1181-1182). Typhoons and floods destroyed farm lands and grain. It lasted 2 years. Many people were dead and grain were worth more than gold. Fifth, earthquake. Kamo no chomei mentioned the destruction of all temples first time. Last, People’s mind changed. People’s desire of wealth grows. They become greedy. This is the arrival of the mappo to Kamo no Chomei. It’s like everything that is known to people were destroyed and the old believes were collapsed.Nothing is going to the right direction. Kamo no chomei’s hut measures ten feet square in area and less than seven feet in height. The eaves ext end out three feet for firewood and cooking on the east side. There is also a bamboo balcony with a book shelf at the western side. He put an image of Amida and bodhisattva fugen on the north wall. His bed is along the east side of the room. He kept his music instruments and other books at the southwest corner. Nembutsu was his Bhuddhist practice. His problem was that he loved his small hut and the simple life style.His small hut help him with practice, but it is still consider as mental grasping. â€Å"Buddha warn us against feelings of attachment. †He is still attached to something that would keep him in the samsara. His solutions to his problem are â€Å"call upon my tongue to utter two or three recitations of Amida Buddha’s name, ineffectual as they might be, before falling silent. †My understanding is that he would first do more Buddhist practices as mentioned above â€Å"utter two or three recitations of Amida Buddha’s name†; secondly, easy his mind and meditate as in â€Å"falling silent†.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Convergence between GAAP and IFRS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Convergence between GAAP and IFRS - Essay Example Furthermore, consideration in respect of financial statement presentation and business combination is required significant convergence (Kaiser et al., 2012). Challenges and Benefits of Convergence As far as the convergence is concerned, it can be observed that US public listed companies will be benefitted more if they adopt IFRS as an obligation from SEC. There are various difficulties as well as benefits of adoption of IFRS as a means of convergence. The major difficulty that may arise due to such convergence is the transition of financial statements from US GAAP to IFRS. The transition will cause a significant change in both the financial performance and financial position of the entities. There is likelihood that the entities may not be able to present better financial results due to such convergence which, otherwise they would have presented in case of applying US GAAP. However, the advantages of convergence still supersede the challenge of transition of IFRS by US listed entitie s. Some of these advantages are discussed as under: The first and foremost advantage of convergence to a single accounting framework is the comparability. The benefit of comparability can be illustrated through an example. For instance, if a US entity plans to be merged with a European counterpart, the issue arising for both the firms would be of comparability. The US firm would be following US GAAP and European firm would be applying IFRS. In such case, both the financial statements cannot be matched with each other, as the accounting frameworks are different. Under US GAAP, inventories are valued at LIFO whereas IFRS asks the entities to use FIFO. For that matter, one of the entities would have to translate its financial statements according to the counterparty’s accounting standards. The element of comparability can facilitate the international investors especially those who are interested in the stocks of listed entities. The uniformity of the accounting framework across the globe can help them interpret and compare the financial statements of those companies which are located in different geographical boundaries (Shamrock, 2012). This would make the financial statements more comparable across the globe and would result in an increasing investors’ base. Comparability of financial statements can lead to increase in the inclination of international investors to participate actively in the global equity markets as this step can simplify the cross border investments along with amalgamation of different equity markets. Increased liquidity and reduced cost of funds are the additional benefits that can be reaped through comparability. In short, there would be increased access available to the US MNCs to reach across the globe and utilize their resources in an efficient manner. The second most important benefit available to US entities regarding the adoption of IFRS is the reduced cost of financial reporting. Since these are the costs which US multin ational companies have to face because their operations are spread widely across the globe and they have to prepare and translate the financial statements as per jurisdiction’s applicable financial reporting framework, thus causing increased cost of financial reporting. If US entities are obligated to adopt IFRS, it would result in the
Car Statisics Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Car Statisics - Research Proposal Example Jean Joseph Etienne Lenoir was the first man to successfully build a two-stroke gas driven engine. He built a gas-driven-engine vehicle in 1862 which ran at a speed of 3 km per hour, which became highly popular and the type of which were frequently seen on the roads by 1865. Gottileb Damlier and Nicolas Otto worked together on the mission of devising a four stroke engine till they separated. Damlier then individually went on to create engines which could be used for cars as well as four-wheel horseless carriages. Several experiments continued all over the United States as Henry Ford started his experiment on a horseless carriage in 1860. He was successful in producing his first car which was a 'Quadricycle' in the year 1896, which was a gasoline engine powered by two cylinders. This marked the launch of the Ford Motor Company in the year 1903 following which he propelled his vehicle 'Model T Ford' to great heights of fame. He ceaselessly continued with his experiments and subsequently witnessed the production of the same model on the lines of 'moving assembly' thus was highly instrumental in the modern day mass production techniques of the current car companies. Did you know that the world's cheapest car the Tata Nano, only costs only 100,000 rupees or $2,500 (1,277) and is designed and manufactured in India by the automobile company Tata Motors The car is specifically designed as a "safe, affordable, all weather form of transport" for family use in India, the inspiration of which came to Ratan Tata from the observation of "families riding on two-wheelers - the father driving the scooter, his young kid standing in front of him, his wife seated behind him holding a little baby.". The four-door car is a five seater, 3.1m long, 1.5m wide and 1.6m high, has a 33bhp, 624cc engine at the rear and will go on sale later this year. The car does not have a power steering or electric windows but will offer the same in two deluxe models. It has no air conditioning, no electric windows and no power steering, but two deluxe models will be on offer. The Indian company Tata Motors will manufacture approximately 250,000 Nanos, popularly termed as the "Peopl e's car", and expects an annual demand of one million cars in India's domestic car market which is predicted to soar, gauging the country's fast growing economy and rapidly escalating consumer wealth and the expectation that Indian car sales are going to more than quadruple to $ 145 billion by the year 2016. Article 3 The worlds most expensive cars 1. Bugatti Veyron Did you know that the Bugatti Veyron, with a price of $1,192,057 or 1,000,000 is not only the world's most
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Cellphone Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Cellphone - Essay Example As the West has imbued items with value and importance, centering much of one’s life on materialism, the cell phone has become an extension of personal identity through connectivity to people and services that organize, make more efficient, and allow for personal expression. The home phone was an instrument through which people would communicate to one another when at home, people staying at home near the phone and waiting when they expected an important call. Communication though telephone usage was limited to within a confined space, which was only slightly expanded with voice mail and additional services, and the invention of the cordless phone. Still, the nature of a telecommunications experience was within the home. The cell phone, on the other hand, increased the space in which telecommunications could take place. Through ever increasing expanses, which have now reached worldwide, an individual can have a phone that will let them contact others from almost any space. Meanwhile, the cell phone as a device became smaller and smaller. According to Gancarz, â€Å"Cell phones have†¦pushed the small is beautiful tenet†(202). The idea is to provide a lightweight, highly portable device that can manage one’s whole life. Thus, not only have they expanded the space in which telecommunications can take place, but made each device a personal item with individual family members each having their own cell phone. With the development of text messages communications changed to a system of short phrases with high use of abbreviations. Through text messaging, the way in which communications was accomplished changed dramatically, instantaneous written phrases in which a whole new language has emerged replacing longer forms that required waiting time and responses. Where e-mails required patience, text messages are most often an interactive communication that is almost
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
The Achievement of Desire by Richard Rodriguez Essay
The Achievement of Desire by Richard Rodriguez - Essay Example Both parents were unable to assist him in his assignments. They have no knowledge to share with. They cannot relate to his unexplainable desire to learn and succeed. They were even the source of his humiliation in school for not being able to write, much more speak in clear and grammatically-correct English. They did not even have the idea of the nature of his accomplishments, his trophies and awards . . . but they were surely proud of him though Richard was not. Despite this, his parents were truly supportive of him and his endeavors. They never complained of his lack of participation in the household chores, his diminishing respect towards his parents during short conversations, his increasing expenses brought about by his refusal to stop reading even during nighttime that required additional electrical expenses, and so on. Richard on the other hand seemed to grow more impatient about his parents’ situation and their behavior. He felt ashamed upon hearing his parents talk in a way that his teachers in school totally abhor. There were times when he felt compelled to directly teach (or preach) his parents in his frustrating attempt to correct their attitude, more so their grammar. Richard seemed to forget that his parents were not Americans, thus, their mistakes in grammar and diction. He also seemed to forget that his parents did not receive higher education, not because of their own fault, but because their parents failed to give them the opportunity to attend formal school at the proper time. What Richard had in mind during the early part of the essay was that it was shameful to have them as parents and they will never contribute to his dream of success. The Achievement of Desire 2 Contrary thereto, Richard looked up to his teachers as his idols. He appreciated his teachers’ manner of communicating, their seemingly endless flow of ideas, their educated manner of presenting themselves, and almost everything about them. Thus, at an early age, Ric hard came to a conclusion that the easiest way to succeed is to mimic his teachers. He listened to them carefully, tried to understand and memorize their statements, and used exactly the same sentences in class. He did everything to get his teachers’ appreciation and approval. Every small achievement that he made, whether it was mere reading of a good book, or a citation in a competition, he proudly and timely reported to his teachers, with the expectation that they would complement and appreciate him, to the dismay of his classmates. On the contrary, he never made the same effort toward his parents. Despite his awareness that his parents will surely be proud of any achievement he had, he underestimated their capacity to understand the nature of his accomplishments. He never regarded his parents’ appreciation as something to be proud of. What was more important to him was the appreciation of his learned and educated teachers. Richard took every opportunity to learn. He did not stop learning in school. Even when he was home, he would bring books with him and read them. In the same way that he appreciated his teachers, Richard took note of the ideas he got from his readings. And as expected, he made use of these lines in his recitations and reports. Truly, the lessons he learned from his teachers and books were reflected in his writings. However, it is disheartening to learn that Richard came to realize the true meaning of success and knowledge quite belatedly. He was already in his thirties when he learned to confront himself and accept his negative side. Although quite late, Richard accepted the fact that he was not a good student after all. He had lots of ideas, but none of them were original. They The
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Motivation paper self assessment . I have included in the previous Assignment
Motivation paper self assessment . I have included in the previous order with you the self assessment questions pages - Assignment Example Therefore, managers should learn to listen to their employees and adjust their goals with respect to what matters most to them. An employee would want to be in command whenever he/she is working in a group. On the other side, the manager should not assume that all employees have all the training, tools and support they required. He should check out from them personally to find out. Good pay would make one feel much motivated (Daft et al. 4). The manager should communicate well thereby offering training sessions, newsletters, memos and regular meetings so as to present their vision. They should make sure that employees participate by asking questions and get answers. The last aspect to ensure a successful motivation is by ensuring that the manager awards every achievement of the employee with respect to their dominant needs. All efforts should be acknowledged and awarded. Mistakes should be corrected in a friendly manner. Humans have some set of motivation system that is unrelated to rewards. We need motivation to achieve certain desires. The fulfillment of one dominant need leads to the desire to fulfill the next one. Such needs like physiological needs, safety and the need of love, as well as esteem may affect management in the sense that, the fulfillment one particular need seeks to fulfill the next need. In this situation, the achievement needs may serve a greater purpose for success. As an employee, one would mostly value the lifestyle benefits. The employee places a higher priority to the rewards that are directed to their lifestyle benefits such as a discount on their health insurance as well as in cars. An employee would work well for improvement is such areas as their capabilities, their behaviors and attitudes. Such information can be useful to the managers in understanding the type of lifestyle benefits that they would offer to their employees for their awards so that they can feel motivated and
Monday, September 23, 2019
Japanese Education System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Japanese Education System - Essay Example It is also important that educational reformers and governments understand the difference between what has been good in the education of Japan and what can be termed as self defeating. To understand the difference better, given below is an understanding of the Japanese form of education and the various ideals that shape it. The Japanese system of education While official education in Japan begins from the first standard up till the ninth standard , unofficially preschool is an important part of education too. A vast majority of Japanese children attend preschool after which the official education framework provides for free and compulsory schooling from grade one to grade nine. The syllabus is balanced, extensive and covers varied subjects like mathematics, sciences, social sciences and languages. Grades ten to twelve are known as upper secondary school. Though these grades are not compulsory, 94% of students do complete lower secondary schooling. One third of the students from upper secondary go into post graduate studies where universities offer complete four-year education and junior colleges offer two-years of education. Women’s education is also given equal importance and opportunities are rendered to women through special universities or co-educational institutions. Japan’s educational ideals The Japanese system of education has been influenced by various factors and ideals through its history, from the ancient, to the medieval and modern times. Even though foreign ideas have influenced the education system at times, and have rendered Western ideas of liberalization, it has gone back to its age old ideals. After the period of Meiji Restoration, study missions were sent to US, France and Russia and a national education system based on Western ideas was established. However, in a little while, some Western ideas like individualism were found unsuitable (Beauchamp, 1985) and soon most of traditional Japanese education was restored. What remained about the foreign influence was just the structure of grade school, junior high and high school. Coeducation and compulsory education up till the age of 15 were also retained. Japanese tradition gives importance to respect for society, team goals and hard work, factors that reflect in its education system as well. Academic excellence is stressed upon and statistics reveal that Japanese school children, begin to earnestly study right from kindergarten. The society of Japan is highly education-minded, disciplined, and morally inclined. While such a system has its benefits, over the years these ideals of education have had their negative impacts too. Here is a critical examination of the educational ideals that shape Japan and the benefits and ill effects the system has had on individuals and the society at large. Academic achievements Academic achievements are an important ideal in Japanese education. Students work hard to score well starting from the stage of kindergarten onwards. From childhood, students have to constantly cope up with learning, memorizing and passing examinations, a necessary prerequisite for admissions into college to pursue higher education. In many cases where student miss classes due to illness, parents take notes of lessons missed in class. Parents take serious part in parent-teacher meetings and also send their children to private tuitions2 so that they can score well in studies. A student's competence is tested in competitive college examinations, where high grades are vital
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Assessing the Role of Motivation on Employees Essay Example for Free
Assessing the Role of Motivation on Employees Essay In this light the study sets to identify the most ranked factors among the ten motivational factors. The analysis from the empirical findings showed that Job satisfaction†was the most ranked factor for both sub groups that made up the sample survey. However a study from previous researches used in this study showed that different results could be obtained from different groups of already working employees. This study therefore can be seen as an introduction to a more detailed study to be carried by future researchers on the field of employee’s motivation. Background When looking at factors that affect job satisfaction, I find that Agency theory might be helpful as it explains the extent to which organizations need to think of their human resource responsible in producing the output needed by organizations to meet shareholders value. Agency theory is concerned with issues related to the ownership of the firm when that ownership is separated from the day-to-day running of the organization. It assumes that in all but owner- managed organizations the owner or owners (known in agency theory as the â€Å"principal†) of an organization must vest authority to an â€Å"agent†-corporate management- to act on their behalf. The principal recognizes the risk, here and act on the assumption that any agent will look to serve its own as well as the principal interests as it ulfils it contract with that principal. However, this is not the situation in real life situation. As all agents are perceived to be Opportunistic. These approaches are to examine the problems of human exchange derived from the field of finance and economics but they are often applied to the study of shareholders Risk Management (SHRM). Agency theory is therefore used to analyze this conflict in interest between the principal (shareholders of o rganizations) and their agents (leaders of these organizations). Whereby the â€Å"Agents†in keeping with the interest of the shareholders and organizational goals turn to use financial motivational aspects like bonuses, higher payrolls, pensions, sick allowances, risk payments, perks to reward and retained their employees and enhance their performance. There is a strong lobby propounding the view that human resources and their management are the source of competitive advantage for the business, rather than, say, access to capital or use of technology. It is therefore logical to suggest that, attention needs to be paid to the nature of this resource and its management as this will impact on human resource behavior and performance and consequently the performance of the organization. Indeed Boxall and Steeneveld (1999) argue that there is no need to prove the relationship between firm critical influence on performance and labour management as it is self evident that the quality of human resource management is a critical influence on the performance of the firm. Concern for strategic integration, commitment flexibility and quality, has called for attention for employees motivation and retention. Given this perception, the principal in an organization feels unable to predict an agent’s behavior in any given situation and so brings into play various measures to do with incentives in other to tie employee’s needs to those of their organization. Thus getting employee’s identification with respect to the organization, and thus increasing their commitment level. As an approach to mediate the employment contract, elements of human resource strategy (especially those to do with rewards and retention) can offer a way of ensuring an efficient transaction process that enables both parties to get committed towards the fulfillment of each other needs. The fundamental problem, dealt with is what drives or induces people to exploit their potential resources in the way they do in organizations? The issue of motivation and performance are they positively related? By focusing on the financial aspect of motivation problem like bonus system, allowances perks, salaries, etc. By paying attention to the financial aspect of motivation, I intend to probe in to the role this aspect has on enhancing employee’s performance. I believe, financial motivation has become the most concern in today’s organization, and tying to Mallow’s basic needs, non-financial aspect only comes in when financial motivation has failed. Though in some situation, it is being operated side by side. But as a research topic for my thesis I will employ the financial aspects of motivation used by the agents of organization in enhancing their employee’s performance and the extent to which non-financial aspects of motivation turn to enhance employee’s performance. To evaluate the methods of performance motivation in organization in organizing some motivational factors like satisfies and dissatisfies will be used to evaluate how employees motivation is enhanced other than financial aspects of motivation. Problem Statements As a research question, the research seeks to answer what role motivation plays in enhancing performance in organization. This will be possible through analysis of information gathered from students. Hence this thesis is mainly quantitative. * Objectives In trying to find an answer(s) to the research question and on the basis of the above background discussion and research question, the main purposes developed for this thesis is to assess the factors t hat motivate employees to perform best at work. This is done by carrying out a survey in which respondents responding to a survey, ranked the least two most important factor on a list of ten factors, and how these factors influence them. * Limitations and Demarcations The limitation is being considered in relation to the natural explanation to which the researcher has limited the study and the active choices to limit the study area that is financial motivation as a determinant of performance. The study is limited to existing theories and models, and their influence and limitation on performance enhancement. By considering the financial and non-financial aspect of motivation on employees’ performance relating to existing theories and models, I intend to mark a demarcation for the study. Here I have considered limitation in line with the research objective that is the study is limited. I believe that with the changing nature of the work force, recent trends in development, information and technology, the issue of financial motivation becomes consent on one of the most important assets in an organization. A lot has been said on the outside forces of an organization. This research considers the inside forces as a starting point. Ideally, a study of all the explanatory variables will be considered appropriate in order to capture the interactive influences of other variables and thus be able to come up with holistic and generally more acceptable results, of financial motivation and performance. * Definitions Motivation: Motivation by definition refers to what activates, directs human behavior and how this behavior is sustained to achieve a particular goal. Also it can be defined as the set of processes that arouse, direct and maintain human behavior towards attaining some goals. Jones (1955) argues that†Motivation is concerned with how behavior gets started, is energized, is sustained, is directed, and is stopped and what kind of subjective reaction is present in the organization while all this is going on. †Role of financial motivation: The potential role of money is – (1) Conditioned reinforce (2) An incentive which is capable of satisfying needs (3) An anxiety reducer (4) Serves to erase feelings of dissatisfaction Employee satisfaction: This refers to the positive or negative aspects of employee’s altitude towards their jobs or some features of the job. Organizational Goals: A concept, which refers to the focus of attention and decision-making among employees of a sub-unit. Organizing: This involves the complete understanding of the goals of organization, the necessity of proper co-ordination, and the environmental factors that influence the goals and employees within the organization. Employee attitudes: Mental state of readiness for motive arousal.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Sport in school Essay Example for Free
Sport in school Essay Sport at school should NOT be compulsory. Sports training and PE take up time that could be better spent learning other subjects, and PE and Sport are not as important as other subjects like maths, science etc. It is also my belief that it students should have the right to choose whether or not we do sport/PE, because we are allowed to choose the subjects that are more important, so why are we not allowed to choose whether or not we do sport? Every year in PE, we do the same sports and the same practice drills, so after year 7, there is no point continuing to do PE, because the you are just doing the same things that you have done in previous years. 2 periods per cycle are spent on PE, 2 periods which could be spent on subjects like foreign languages, which are only allocated 4 periods per cycle or English or Science, which get 5 periods per cycle. These subjects are more important than PE and time the two periods given to PE would be better used if distributed to these subjects. As well as PE, we spent up to 3 hours a week at training and another 3 hours on Saturday for competition. Can you imagine students academic performances if we were to spent 6 hours a week doing homework or study? And it is not only the actual time you are at training that counts, because often, after training you are tired and cannot be bothered to do homework or study, again dragging down our academic results. If sport was optional, then the people participating in the teams would be the people that wanted to be there, the people who wanted to play and win. But instead, there are people in the teams who are not interested in the sport, not interested in winning and are only there because they have to be. These people drag down the team and ruin the sport for those that want to be there.
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