Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Civil 1 Review Syllabus
 Now they are lumped together as ‘illegitimate. ’ Thus, false kids are given rights. 2. Various answers for old issues †¢ Example: Change in stream course 3. Explanation of old arrangements †¢ Example: Under the old Civil Code, there were just void and voidable agreements. With the expansion of unenforceable and rescissible agreements, the NCC gives explanation 4. Certain subjects excluded †¢ Examples: The endowment has been discarded; certain leases have likewise been precluded. The NCC is a long way from great. There are basic defects.Certain things which ought to be in the primer segment are found somewhere else. A case of this is the indecencies of assent. For what reason would they say they are found in contracts? They are pertinent in every single juridical exchange. Another model is the subject of degrees of relationship. This is discovered distinctly in progression. Degrees of relationship are pertinent in different books as well. At last, for wh at reason is custom found in the law on deals? Convention isn't just significant in deals. Or maybe, custom is a method of securing proprietorship. Starter TITLE I. Impact and Application of Laws Art. 1.This Act will be known as the â€Å"Civil Code of the Philippines. †Art. 2. Laws will produce results following fifteen days following the fruition of their distribution in the Official Gazette, except if it is in any case given. This Code will produce results one year after such distribution. †¢ ‘This code will produce results 1 year after such distribution. ’ The SC on account of Lara versus Del Rosario that the one year ought to be tallied from the date of real discharge and not the date of issue. †¢ Executive Order No. 200 overrides Article 2 in regards to the hour of effectivity of laws. Official ORDER NO. 00 PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF LAWS EITHER IN THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE OR IN A NEWSPAPER OF GENERAL CIRCULATION IN THE PHILIPPINES AS A REQUIRE MENT FOR THEIR EFFECTIVITY WHEREAS, Article 2 of the Civil Code somewhat gives that â€Å"laws will produce results following fifteen days following the consummation of their distribution in the Official Gazette, except if it is in any case given . . . †; WHEREAS, the necessity that for laws to be viable just a distribution thereof in the Official Gazette will get the job done has involved a few issues, a point perceived by the Supreme Court in Tanada, et al. versus Tuvera, et al. (G. R. No. 3915, December 29, 1986) when it saw that â€Å"[t]here is a lot to be said of the view that the distribution need not be made in the Official Gazette, considering its unpredictable discharge and restricted readership†; WHEREAS, it was in like manner saw that â€Å"[u]ndoubtedly, papers of general course could more readily play out the capacity of imparting the laws to the individuals as such periodicals are all the more effectively accessible, have a more extensive readership, an d come out regularly†; and WHEREAS, taking into account the previous premises Article 2 of the Civil Code ought to likewise be revised so the laws to be successful must be distributed either in the Official Gazette or in a paper of general dissemination in the nation; NOW, THEREFORE, I, CORAZON C. AQUINO, President of the Philippines, by ethicalness of the forces vested in me by the Constitution, do thus arrange: Sec. 1.Laws will produce results following fifteen days following the culmination of their distribution either in the Official Gazette or in a paper of general course in the Philippines, except if it is in any case given. Sec. 2. Article 2 of Republic Act No. 386, also called the â€Å"Civil Code of the Philippines,†and every other law conflicting with this Executive Order are thus revoked or altered appropriately. Sec. 3. This Executive Order will produce results following its distribution in the Official Gazette. Done in the City of Manila, this eighteenth d ay of June, in the time of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and eighty-seven. †¢ ‘15 days following’ †does this mean on the fifteenth or sixteenth day? The law isn't clear. †¢ Under Article 2, distribution in the Official Gazette was necessary.Now, under E. O. No. 200, distribution may either be in the Official Gazette or a paper of general distribution. †¢ ‘unless in any case provided’ alludes to when the law will produce results. It doesn't imply that distribution can be abstained from. Something else, that would be an infringement of fair treatment. †¢ General Rule: Laws must be distributed in either the Official Gazette or a paper of general course. †¢ Exception: The law may accommodate another way of distribution. Diverse way meaning: 1. Not in Official Gazette or paper of general course; or Example: Read over the TV or the radio (given that the option is sensible) 2.Change in the time of effectivity †¢ ‘publicationâ €™ implies making it known; scattering. It doesn’t must be recorded as a hard copy. †¢ ‘Change time of effectivity’ †the hole among distribution and effectivity ought to be sensible the situation being what it is. †¢ Before distribution, can't make a difference the law whether correctional or common (Pesigan versus Angeles) Why? How might you be bound in the event that you don’t know the law. †¢ Requirement of distribution applies to all laws and is obligatory. Craftsmanship. 3. Numbness of the law pardons nobody from consistence therewith. †¢ Ignorantia legis neminem excusat (Ignorance of the law pardons nobody). †¢ This is an essential guideline for all acculturated society.Otherwise it is difficult to uphold the law. It is difficult to decide if an individual truly doesn't have the foggiest idea about the law. Without this standard, there would be insurgency. The law penances incidental brutality to forestall all inclus ive rebellion. †¢ There are potential techniques to moderate the seriousness of Article 3 †Articles 526 (3), 2155, 1334. * †¢ In Kasilag versus Rodriguez, the SC said that the ownership of the antichretic credit as ownership in accordance with some basic honesty since a troublesome inquiry of law was included †antichresis. For this situation, the gatherings were not entirely proficient of the law. †¢ Article 3 applies just to obliviousness of Philippine law. It doesn't matter to outside law.In Private International Law, remote law must be demonstrated regardless of whether it is pertinent. Something else, the courts will assume the outside law to be equivalent to Philippine law. Workmanship. 4. Laws will have no retroactive impact, except if the opposite is given. †¢ Lex de futuro judex de preterito (The law accommodates the future, the appointed authority for the past). †¢ Retroactive law †one which makes another commitment and forces another obligation or joins another incapacity concerning exchanges or contemplations effectively past. †¢ General Rule: Law must be applied tentatively. †¢ Exceptions: 1. On the off chance that the resolution accommodates retroactivity. Special case to the exemption: a. Ex post facto laws b. Laws which weaken the commitment of agreements 2.Penal laws to the extent that it favors the denounced who is definitely not a constant crook, despite the fact that at the hour of the order of such law last sentence has just been rendered. 3. Therapeutic laws as long as it doesn't influence or change vested rights. 4. At the point when the law makes new considerable rights except if vested rights are debilitated. 5. Healing laws (the reason for existing is to fix deformities or defects in legal or authoritative procedures) 6. Interpretative laws 7. Laws which are of crisis nature or are approved by police power (Santos versus Alvarez; PNB versus Office of the President) Art. 5. Acts executed against the arrangements of compulsory or prohibitory laws will be void, aside from when the law itself approves their legitimacy. †¢ A compulsory law is one which recommends some component as a prerequisite (I. e. wills must be composed †Article 804(; type of gifts †Article 749†¢) †¢ A prohibitory law is one which denies something (I. e. , joint wills †Article 818() †¢ General Rule: Acts which are in opposition to obligatory or restricted laws are void. †¢ Exceptions: 1. At the point when the law itself approved its legitimacy (I. e. , lotto, sweepstakes) 2. At the point when the law makes the demonstration just voidable and not void (I. e. , if assent is vitiated, the agreement is voidable and not void) 3. At the point when the law makes the demonstration legitimate yet rebuffs the violator (I. e. , if the marriage is praised by somebody without lawful power yet the gatherings are in compliance with common decency, the marriage is substanti al yet the individual who wedded the gatherings is at risk) 4.When the law makes the demonstration void yet perceives legitimate impacts streaming along these lines (I. e. , Articles 1412 and 1413() Art. 6. Rights might be postponed, except if the waiver is in opposition to law, open request, open strategy, ethics, or great traditions, or biased to a third individual with a privilege perceived by law. †¢ What one can postpone are rights and not commitments. Model, a leaser can forgo the credit yet the borrower may not. †¢ There is no structure required for a waiver since a waiver is discretionary. You can defer by insignificant inaction, declining to gather an obligation for instance is a type of waiver. †¢ Requisites of a substantial waiver (Herrera versus Boromeo) 1. Presence of a correct 2. Information on the presence of the privilege 3.An expectation to give up the right (suggested in this is the ability to discard the right) †¢ General Rule: Rights can be de ferred. †¢ Exceptions: 1. In the event that waiver is in opposition to law, open request, open arrangement, ethics or great traditions 2. In the event that the waiver would be biased to an outsider with a privilege perceived by law. (e. g. , If An owes B P10M, B can’t postpone the advance if B owes C and B has no different resources. ) †¢ Examples of waivers which are disallowed: 1. Denial of future legacy 2. Waiver of the security of pactum commissorium 3. Waiver of future help 4. Waiver of business benefits ahead of time 5. Waiver of the lowest pay permitted by law 6. Waiver of the option to disavow a will Art. 7.Laws a
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
35 Superfoods for Your Heart
35 Superfoods for Your Heart Your heart’s health should be a primary concern for you, just as your general health is. Your heart is the organ responsible for getting your blood to flow. With a good flow of blood, oxygen and important nutrients reach your body as required.But things don’t always work as expected, especially with worsening eating habits. Bad eating habits and unhealthy lifestyles are fueled by busy schedules which seem to be trapping many. But does that mean you cannot do anything about it?In the United States, 610,000 people die of heart disease annually. 735,000 people suffer a heart attack every year. These facts paint a very grim picture of the state of the health of many people’s hearts.Certainly, prevention is better than cure. And this is the route this article wants you to take in regards to your heart’s health.If you are still alive and either have never suffered a heart attack or have survived one, then you should embark on a serious journey of ensuring you prioritize your heartâ €™s health.Despite the busy schedule you may have, avoid the temptation of going for dietary supplements. Eating the right food is better than taking supplements. To help you in this, we put together 35 superfoods to help you get your heart in good shape.This list provides you with a lot of options so that you cannot get stuck due to food availability or taste preferences. Read through and start building a stronger heart today.1. STRAWBERRYThese fruits are not only delicious but full of nutrients that help you stay healthy in many ways. According to research, a consistent consumption of strawberries reduces total cholesterol by around 9%, LDL (bad) cholesterol by about 13% and triglycerides by about 21%.Eating these fruits also leads to lower levels of C-reactive protein, a biomarker for inflammation in the body. They also reduce oxidative stress, the imbalance between the production of free radicals and your body’s ability to counter them.2. GRAPEFRUITEating grapefruits will grea tly increase your heart’s health due to the nutrients it contains. With potassium, choline, vitamin C and lycopene, grapefruits are a common fruit used for a healthy diet. While potassium helps reduce blood pressure through vasodilation, lycopene helps fight off heart disease as it is an antioxidant.However, you should not take grapefruits if taking heart medications. This is because it stops your body from metabolizing heart medication. This results in high levels of the medication inside your body. Your body can only assume these high levels to be an overdose, something that would pose a danger.3. OILY FISH (tuna, sardine and salmon)Oily fish should have a permanent and very important place in your diet. Apart from being sources of protein, some B vitamins and selenium, their great importance is the Omega-3 fatty acids. These fish provide us with the Omega-3 fatty acids called EPA and DHA which are essential for your body.Some of the best sources are tuna, sardines and salmon. F or every 100g (3.5 ounce) of these, you will get 1.6g, 1.5g and 1.5g of the fatty acid respectively. Some of the fish like mackerel have higher amounts of Omega-3 but also contain high levels of mercury. You can still eat them but not very often. You can see more fish and their Omega-3 content here.4. LEAFY GREEN VEGETABLES (kales, spinach, broccoli, parsley)You probably know these as good sources of vitamin k, which helps in blood clotting. You are very right. It however appears that there is more to this vitamin than previously known. This study found that vitamin k reduces the risk of hemorrhage.Deficiencies in this vitamin in your diet could lead to a condition called left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), which basically means that your heart’s left ventricle could become dangerously enlarged. With LVH, an enlarged heart becomes ineffective at pumping blood.With an ineffective blood pump, all sorts of health problems can occur. That’s not something you would want to experience .5. ASPARAGUSThis is another super vegetable that is full of nutrients. Apart from having vitamin k like kales and spinach, it has B vitamins which help lower homocysteine. High levels of homocysteine can lead to plaque formation in arteries. This is one of the ways a heart attack and stroke come about.At the same time, asparagus contain saponins which have anti-inflammatory benefits. They also help regulate blood pressure.6. ORANGESOranges are more commonly known for their vitamin C content, something that is vital for your immune system. More than that, they contain a lot of fiber which help reduce cholesterol. This study showed that taking orange juice reduced the levels of bad cholesterol.These fruits also have potassium which helps reduce blood pressure as well as prevent irregular heartbeats. Oranges also contain folates which help reduce levels of homocysteine.7. POTATOESPotatoes are a good source of potassium, like many other foods in this list. Any food that gives you potas sium is good for your heart as it reduces blood pressure through vasodilation (widening of the blood vessels).They also contain vitamin C which protects arteries from the damaging effects of cholesterol. When taken with the skin, the potassium which is higher than in bananas goes a long way in reducing the risk of high blood pressure. Also, potatoes have no cholesterol or saturated fat. You also get magnesium and fiber.8. BASILBasil has a good combination of nutrients which secure it a place in our list of superfoods for your heart. Some of them are iron, calcium, folate, manganese, potassium, vitamins A and K. As seen with some foods already, potassium and vitamin k are great for your heart.That’s not all though. It has Omega-3 fatty acids and also has antioxidant benefits. It has magnesium which helps relax muscles and blood vessels, leading to reduced high blood pressure. There are many ways to use basil and to get started, watch the below video for a chicken recipe from Thaila nd.9. POMEGRANATESThese are arguably one of the best superfoods for your heart. With vitamins B5, B6, E and K, potassium and folate, you really get a lot of health benefits in one serving. Pomegranates reduce blood pressure and help fight atherosclerosis by reducing the size of the atherosclerotic lesions.These fruits also improve the flow of blood to the heart while reducing the cholesterol build-up in the blood vessels. Since LDL oxidation forms plaque in the arteries, the antioxidant power of pomegranates works against the oxidation, thereby minimizing the narrowing of arteries.10. NON-FAT/LOW-FAT MILKWhole milk is certainly nutritious but so are the low-fat and non-fat alternatives. Although fat-soluble vitamins are lost during the removal of fat from milk, low-fat milk is usually fortified with vitamins A and D. For your heart’s health, the very low levels of fat are key.More than that, low-fat milk has magnesium, folate and potassium, all of which help in your heart’s heal th. It helps lower the risk of atherosclerosis and reduce the levels of LDL from people who used to take whole milk.11. YOGURTYogurt is delicious, whether plain or flavored. While touted for its benefits on your gut, enjoy the super benefits of this great drink that also ranks highly among weight lifters for protein intake.By itself, yogurt consumption has been linked with reduced levels of high blood pressure. In this study, the benefits of taking yogurt were seen when hypertensive people took two or more servings of yogurt a day. When taken while maintaining a healthy diet, it reduced their risks of developing heart diseases.12. OLIVE OILFor a long time, the Mediterranean diet has been praised for helping lower the risks of heart attacks. And the reason has been traced to among others, the fact that olive oil is the main oil used in those diets.With different qualities of the oil, the benefits come from the monounsaturated fats. This oil has anti-inflammatory compounds as well as antioxidants. Using olive oil has been shown to not only benefit your heart but also fight dementia, depression and even obesity.For all the benefits however, ensure you buy extra virgin olive oil.13. WHEAT GERMMuch of the wheat consumed today is processed. Although manufacturers process wheat to give it a longer shelf life, a negative effect is compromised health. You can however improve your heart’s health greatly by adding wheat germ to smoothies and yogurt.Wheat germ is the embryo of the wheat kernel. As such, it is loaded with vitamins and minerals which are key for your heart. With potassium, it helps lower your blood pressure by countering the effects of sodium in your blood. Too much sodium raises blood pressure but potassium counters this.Wheat germ also has antioxidants in the form of vitamin E which help prevent chronic heart disease.14. DARK CHOCOLATEDo you find it hard to resist chocolates? Well, now you have a reason to justify the desire. But just to be sure about i t, we are talking about dark chocolate. The difference between dark and other chocolates is that the ‘dark’ version has higher amounts of cocoa solids and cocoa butter.The benefits behind dark chocolates being good for your health have been based on the abundant levels of flavonoids in cacao beans. Flavonoids are powerful antioxidants and have among others, anti-inflammatory benefits.Taking dark chocolate, you lower blood pressure, prevent blood clots and improve the flow of blood to your heart. So, kick away the guilt and have some chocolateâ€"dark chocolate.15. WHOLE GRAIN CEREALSAll whole grains offer serious benefits to your health. This is simply because they have not undergone the process of refining which removes the bran (outer covering) and germ (embryo). These two hold the key to much of the nutrients needed for your heart’s well-being.The fiber in whole cereals lowers cholesterol by binding to it before it is absorbed into your body. This ensures it is removed throu gh normal excretion. Fiber also helps in lowering blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease.Whole grains are also high in B vitamins which reduce the levels of Homocysteine in the blood. Homocysteine is an amino acid which when in excess, leads to inflammation in the arteries.16. OATMEALDon’t we all love oats. Or at least we have heard a lot about them and think they are good. Well, yes they are. And they come in different forms. But the good thing is that all the different forms have the same nutritional value.Oatmeal however goes beyond making you feel full, the work of fiber. This fiber also helps combat LDL (bad) cholesterol. More than that, oatmeal has been shown to have doses of antioxidants which curb inflammation. Though the amounts are not much, consistently eating oatmeal will put you on the right path towards achieving the benefits.17. NUTSNuts are a wholesome option for many who desire to snack the healthy way. And they serve this purpose well. With fiber, th ey reduce the need to eat a lot and consequently, prevent you from taking attractive but unhealthy foods.On top of that, nuts have vitamin E which helps in many ways including fighting plaques in your arteries. The build up of plaque often leads to coronary artery disease and heart attacks.Nuts also have Omega-3 which is essential to your heart’s health. They have L-arginine too and that helps in making your blood vessels relax and ease blood flow.18. FLAXSEEDFlaxseed (Linseed) is the plant with the highest amounts of plant-based Omega-3 fatty acids called alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). This is necessary for fighting the bad cholesterol and is available either from the seed or oil derived from the seed.With around 73% polyunsaturated fat, 18% monounsaturated fat and only 9% saturated fat, flaxseed is a very healthy food. It helps reduce blood triglycerides, reduces blood pressure and inflammation while having no effect on the good cholesterol.You can get tips on how to include it in your diet here.19. LENTILSThese legumes are a good source of fiber. More than that, they have folate and magnesium. Folate helps regulate your homocysteine levels thus helping you prevent heart disease.As a source of magnesium, you will appreciate this small legume once you know that magnesium is needed for the proper functioning of many enzymes. Lower levels of magnesium in your body increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. This mineral also helps regulate blood pressure.Watch the below video to know more on how magnesium helps your cardiac system and how to detect a deficiency.20. GARLICThis vegetable has been known to provide many health benefits plus of course, a great taste when added to food. For your heart’s health, garlic does many things to ensure a smooth flow of your blood. One way it does this is by strengthening your arteries and lowering your blood pressure.Garlic also helps you recover from heart attack, lowers triglycerides and reduces the formation of plaque i n your arteries.21. RED WINERed wine has for a long time been rumored to be good for your heart’s health. There have been studies done and many of them indicate that there is indeed a connection between taking red wine and lower risks of heart diseases. This has made red wine more popular.It is however important to note that you should not just start gulping on this red drink. Positive effects have been observed in people who take it as part of a meal. Meaning, you form a habit of taking just a glass or two while adding other healthy foods to your diet.At the same time, a professor has found that the antioxidants in red wine can help in the coronary angioplasty procedure. This is the procedure of widening narrow or blocked coronary arteries. So, red wine can help both prevent and cure heart disease.22. ALMONDSThese nuts are high in fats. But the good thing is that the fat is the good typeâ€"monounsaturated fat. Native to the Mediterranean climate, almonds are one of the common way s to snack healthily with benefits reaching your heart.The fat helps lower bad cholesterol while increasing the good cholesterol. They also contain calcium, fiber, vitamins E and B. The vitamins help in fighting free radicals in your body.23. BLUEBERRIESIf there is one food high in antioxidants, then it is the fruit blueberry. Though tiny, blueberries are great for fighting free radicals. More than that, the anthocyanin in blueberries is believed to aid in heart health.These fruits have also been shown to lower blood pressure thus reducing the risk of heart disease. At the same time, they have the ability to fight inflammation and prevent the arteries from becoming stiff.24. SOYHigh in proteins, soy foods provide protection from the damaging effects of high levels of cholesterol in your blood. Soy foods contain 12% saturated fat, 29% monounsaturated fat and 59% polyunsaturated fat. The fatty acid ALA in soy beans has been shown to have positive effects against coronary heart disease . Soy foods also help lower blood pressure as well as facilitate vasodilation and reduce triglyceride levels.25. TOMATOESYou may not know it, but tomatoes are not vegetables as commonly presumed. They are fruits, according to science. They contain many beneficial nutrients among them fiber, folate, vitamins A, B, C and E.The most important nutrients however are lycopene and potassium. Potassium helps lower blood pressure and relax your blood vessels. Lycopene on the other hand, is an antioxidant that does more than fight free radicals. It also helps lower bad cholesterol.For optimum benefit, it is best to consume tomatoes which have either been processed or cooked as opposed to fresh ones. This way, lycopene can be absorbed more easily.26. GREEN TEAThis tea is known to be loaded with antioxidants. This explains the many benefits of adding green tea to your diet. One study found that people who took more than five cups of green tea daily reduced risks of heart attacks and stroke by 26%.Green tea is also good at lowering the levels of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. More than this, the tea helps in vasodilation, prevent the buildup of plaque, aid in recovering from a heart attack and reduce the risk of abdominal artery explosion.27. AVOCADOAvocados are a rich source of healthy monounsaturated fats which help in fighting the bad cholesterol. They contain vitamin B6 and folate which help regulate the levels of homocysteine in your blood. High levels of this amino acid increase your risk of getting a heart attack.They also provide you with the potassium which helps lower blood pressure. With vitamin E in avocados, you can expect a lower risk of atherosclerosis, the narrowing of arteries due to plaque sticking on the arterial walls. Avocados also give you dietary fiber.28. APPLESAn apple a day keeps heart disease away. A study done at Ohio State University found that eating one apple a day for one month lowered the levels of bad cholesterol by 40%. The apple intake prevented LDL oxidation, the culprit of atherosclerosis.The active ingredient shown to produce these results is polyphenol. This is also available in supplement form but the study showed that the apples do a better job than supplements.Reason? Possible better absorption or the presence of other helpful compounds. So, instead of rushing to buy the supplements, just go for the real thingâ€"it’s better.29. CARROTSCarrots have three vitamins which help it become one of the heart’s superfoods you cannot ignore. Contrary to what many people think, carrots don’t provide you with vitamin A. They have lots of beta-carotene, the compound which your body converts to vitamin A.In your body, vitamin A helps prevent hypertrophy (the thickening of ventricular walls) as well as suppress the processes which cause heart failure due to stress. Carrots also have vitamin B6 as well as vitamin K which is essential in blood clotting to prevent excessive bleeding.The vitamin C in carrots help s prevent coronary heart disease. One cup of chopped carrots provides you with around 7.6mg of vitamin C (10% of daily requirement for women and 8% for men). You also get 16.9 micrograms of vitamin K (14% daily requirement for men and 19% for women).30. LEAN BEEFThis is beef that does not have any visible fat. As such, it does not increase the risk of higher cholesterol levels in your body. In fact, research has shown that lean beef can actually have some great benefits for your heart.With Omega-3 fatty acids, you can at least rest assured that lean beef is good company. It has vitamin B12 which helps lower the levels of homocysteine thus reduce the risk of heart disease while also maintaining the nervous system.31. KIDNEY BEANSKidney beans have good amounts of various minerals as well as fiber. Fiber in the beans is helpful in lowering cholesterol in the blood. The folate in kidney beans comes in to help lower the levels of homocysteine.They also contain some manganese, a mineral w hich helps fight inflammation. They have magnesium which helps regulate blood pressure while providing other minerals important for your heart’s health like potassium and vitamin K.32. WALNUTSWalnuts, like other nuts, are high in nutritional value. They contain the plant-based Omega-3 fatty acid ALA which is essential for your body’s functioning. Folate is also present in walnuts as well as vitamin E.Many studies have been done and proved the positive effects of including walnuts into your diet. Walnuts have been shown to lower the levels of bad cholesterol and improve the functioning of the endothelial cells. These are the cells which line the inside of your blood vessels.33. WATERMELONThirsty? No need to take soda. Indulge in the freshness of this fruit and your heart will thank you for it. With lycopene and beta-carotene, watermelon is a great antioxidant which fights heart disease as well as cancer.Providing you with vitamins A and C, watermelon consumption provides a health y dose of antioxidants. With higher levels of lycopene than tomatoes, watermelon is one of the best fruits for fighting hear attack as well as lowering your blood pressure.Instead of just eating the fruit plain (nothing wrong with that), you can also get more creative. Watch the below video for a watermelon smoothie idea.34. BEETROOTBeetroot has been shown to help people who have heart failure increase their muscle power by 13% just two hours after drinking beetroot juice. This juice also improves your stamina when exercising.The dark color of beetroot comes from the water-soluble antioxidants called betalains which greatly help your heart health. Beetroot also contains folate, manganese and magnesium, all of which have their place in improving your heart’s health.A word of caution: find out if you are prone to calcium oxalate kidney stones or have low blood pressure. If you do, then stay away from beetroot as the conditions may worsen. Seek to get the indicated nutrients from any of the other sources listed here.35. BANANASWidely available, bananas are known mostly for their potassium content. But there is more to bananas than potassium. For example, they have vitamin C, manganese and magnesium. Bananas also have good levels of fiber to help in cholesterol control.Still, that’s not all. Ever wondered why bananas are loved by weight lifters? Bananas are often included in both pre-workout and post-workout meals because they provide a quick boost of energy.Since you know that your heart’s health is not just pegged on food alone but also on exercise, bananas help you have better results in this.CONCLUSIONWith such a list of great foods for your heart’s health, you have no reason not to have a happy and healthy heart.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Pain Relief Management in a Terminally Ill Cancer Patient Free Essay Example, 1500 words
Part of palliative care is maintaining the dignity of the patient before and even after death. This is because reliance on the patient on the nurses and other caregivers erodes the sense of dignity. Once day-to-day deterioration has begun in the patient and when the situation has come that death can occur any time, the patient must be provided holistic comfort, symptoms must be managed properly, he or she must be given minimal drugs, the wishes must be upheld, anxiety levels must be alleviated and her fear, religious needs, and spiritual needs must be addressed by telling the patient that r family is around (National Cancer Control Programme, 2005). There are 3 main themes in maintaining dignity and they are "the unrecognizable body, fragility and dependence and inner strength and a sense of coherence" (Hall, Longhurst and Higginson, 2009). Dignity in the patient can be upheld by allowing the patient to do as many activities as possible and by treating the patient with respect. The WHO's Pain Relief Ladder is a useful guide to prescribe medications for pain (WHO, 2009) (Refer to Fig. 2). We will write a custom essay sample on Pain Relief Management in a Terminally Ill Cancer Patient or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now This ladder consists of 3 steps of pain from below to up. The lowest is the step of mild pain. Mild pain is that pain which is self-limited and may or may not require treatment. The next step is moderate pain. This pain is worse than mild pain and it affects functions of the individual. The presence of pain cannot be ignored. This pain goes away with treatment and seldom reappears. The uppermost step is that of severe pain. This pain interferes with most of the daily living activities. The individual may need treatment for many weeks, months or even years. According to this guide, the first drugs which must be recommended for pain are non-opioids like paracetamol and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs like aspirin and ibuprofen. Then if necessary, the treatment must be stepped up to mild opioids like codeine and then to strong opioids like morphine, hydrocodone, oxycodone, methadone, hydromorphone, and fentanyl until the patient is reli eved of pain. Generally, chronic pain is associated with anxiety and fears, adjuvants like anti-anxiety drugs may be given.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on The Importance of Male Characters to Kate Chopin
The Importance of Male Characters to Kate Chopin Why and how does she use them? Kate Chopin is an author who examines the position of women in 19th century Louisiana. She describes their plight, living in a society designed by men, one that confines women’s behavior. It was imperative for Kate Chopin to highlight her male characters, as they ultimately are responsible for her heroines’ actions. The â€Å"Awakening†and â€Å"Desiree’s Baby†are two examples that deal with the issues resulting from a male dominant society, though the stories vary in their approach. Men and marriage are however the common factors that symbolize the obstacles that Kate Chopin’s women face. In â€Å"The Awakening†Edna, the main character enjoys being†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"He fell in love, as men are in habit of doing and pressed his suit with an earnestness and ardor which left nothing to be desired.†(p.31) Pontellier courts Edna with great love and passion, trying to win her heart. When Edna decided to regain control of her life she had â€Å"a feeling of exultation†which â€Å"overtook her, as if some power of significant import had been given her to control the working of her body and her soul.†(p.43-44) Pushing her quest for independence to the limit â€Å"she grew daring and reckless, overestimating her strength. She wanted to swim far out, where no woman had swum before.†(p. 43-44) Throughout â€Å"The Awakening†Edna longs to get away from her husband and attain total freedom of body and mind. She therefore, tries to escape her marriage through friends, music and love affairs. Reflecting on her life, Edna views her husband â€Å"like a person whom she married without love as an excuse.†(p.110). Furthermore, she looks at men as convincing and sly, who try to trap women with their love. In the end, as Edna feels that she has gained control of her life, she leans her head against the high-backed chair and spreads her arms like one whoShow MoreRelatedThe Unique Style Of Kate Chopin s Writing1603 Words  | 7 PagesThe unique style of Kate Chopin’s writing has influenced and paved the way for many female authors. Although not verbally, Kate Chopin aired political and social issues affecting women and challenging the validity of such restrictions through fiction. Kate Chopin, a feminist in her time, prevailed against the notion that a womanà ¢â‚¬â„¢s purpose was to only be a housewife and nothing more. Kate Chopin fortified the importance of women empowerment, self-expression, self-assertion, and female sexuality throughRead MoreFor centuries man has been considered to be the dominate species. Writings throughout history1100 Words  | 5 Pagessanity. Importance on being portrayed as the â€Å"perfect†women or housewife could have also been a factor. The late nineteenth century the author, Kate Chopin, brought to the surface truth underneath women with the use of her stories. Many considered this to be madness, because of the content in her writings. As Aristotle once said ‘â€Å"No great mind has ever existed without a touch of madness.†(Goodreads) Madness is behavior or thinking that is very foolish or dangerous. (Mariam-Webster) Kate ChopinRead MoreThe Awakening By Kate Chopin And The House On Mango Street1732 Words  | 7 PagesAwakening by Kate Chopin and The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros, spearheaded movements for freedom by tackling the prejudice of gender roles, expressing through their novels’ characters and experiences the arguments for individual freedom and the challenges that must be conquered to achieve those goals for future generations. The Awakening by Kate Chopin was written at the end of the nineteenth century in a time where freedom was granted based off of a bias: only white males could trulyRead MoreThe Importance Of A Women And The Hierarchy Of A Male1639 Words  | 7 PagesOne famous author that has been able to gain a vast audience is Kate Chopin. She has publish many short stories such as â€Å"Story of an Hour†,†A Pair of Silt Stockings†, â€Å"A Respectable Women†, â€Å"Desiree s Baby†and â€Å"The Storm†. These stories causes people to question whether their assumptions of a novel is correct. Two major theme that Chopin promotes throughout most of her work, is the importance of a women and the hierarchy of a male. These stories all have different story lines but share a commonRead MoreThe Female Role in William Faulkners â€Å"A Rose for Emily,†Katherine Mansfields â€Å"Miss Brill,†and Kate Chopins â€Å"The Storm.†1329 Words  |à ‚ 5 PagesReading literature, at first, might seem like simple stories. However, in works like William Faulkners â€Å"A Rose for Emily,†Katherine Mansfields â€Å"Miss Brill,†and Kate Chopins â€Å"The Storm,†the female protagonists are examples of how society has oppressive expectations of them simply because of their gender. Curry believes that Faulkner displays the story of â€Å"A Rose for Emily†through scenes of gender differences. The beginning of the story shows the motivational split between men and women.Read MoreKate Chopin s The Awakening1553 Words  | 7 Pagesevident throughout The Awakening by Kate Chopin. Chopin uses contrasting characters such as Edna Pontellier and Adele Ratignolle to further embody the differing aspects of feminism. Adele Ratignolle represents the ideal woman of the time period, a mindless housewife working to serve her family, whereas Edna signifies an independent and daring woman who does not conform to society’s beliefs. These two women’s differing characteristics and personalities allow Chopin to further compare and contrast theRead MoreAnalysis Of The Story Story Of An Hour 1388 Words  | 6 Pagesnever lived to their full potential. In the short story, â€Å"Story of an Hour†the main character; Mrs. Mallard displays the ongoi ng struggles of what women during the eighteenth century had to go through. Men often had patriarchal values and dictated what type of behavior and traditional roles women had to follow that was deemed acceptable during this time. A patriarchal society is as follows, â€Å" consists of a male-dominated power structure throughout organized society and in individual relationshipsRead More The Awakening and The Yellow Wallpaper2395 Words  | 10 Pages          Kate Chopins story The Awakening and Charlotte Perkins Gilmans story The Yellow Wallpaper draw their power from two truths: First, each work stands as a political cry against injustice and at the socio/political genesis of the modern feminist movement. Second, each text is a gatekeeper of a new literary history. Kate Chopin and Charlotte Perkins Gilman seem to initiate a new phase in textual history where literary conventions are revised to serve an ideology representative of theRead MoreThe Awakening : Evaluating The Core Values Of The Nineteenth Century1203 Words  | 5 PagesThe Awakening: Evaluating The Core Values of the Nineteenth Century In Kate Chopin’s novel, The Awakening, the main protagonist Edna Pontellier exists as the embodiment of the feminist ideas that stand as outliers in the midst of the more traditional nineteenth century beliefs. Set in 1899 near the end of this generation, Chopin’s work explores the shared attitudes of most of the novel’s cast as they respond to Edna’s search for independence and freedom, an action that challenges her conservativeRead MoreKate Chopin s The Awakening1875 Words  | 8 Pagessocial, and economic equality to men.†The Awakening, by Kate Chopin, was written in 1890 during the height of the women s suffrage movement, and essentially the public felt that the author â€Å"went too far†due to â€Å"the sensuality†of the protagonist (Toth 1). The â€Å"male gatekeepers†that scrutinized her work saw her piece as a statement that â€Å"the husband is a drag†, and that traditional American values should be forgot ten (Toth 1). In truth, Chopin did not think that American values, such as motherhood
Drafting Process Analysis Free Essays
According to the ‘Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English’ a ‘Process’ is defined as a ‘continued set of actions performed intentionally in order to reach some result’ If making anything constitutes a process then I decided one fine day to indulge myself in some kind of activity the fruits of whose labour I can thoroughly enjoy later on. I decided to brew beer at my home. Other than the obvious highs that it gives you even the csting is very less, so it wont be a burden on the pocket too. We will write a custom essay sample on Drafting Process Analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now It was taught to me by one of my closest chums and involves a number of steps before embarking on the real process. The right kind of equipment is a must for the successful completion of this kind of task. The quality of beer depends a lot upon the kind of equipment that you are using and the ingredients. Lets first start with lining up the equipment. The basic equipment you need is readily available on any of the hardware stores and includes One 10 Gallon fermenter with lid, Brew Pot, Spoon, Siphon Hose, Vinyl Tubing, Hose Clamp for siphon, some plastic pop bottles with lid, Hydrometer, Thermometer and a measuring cup. The main ingredients that one will need are the Malt Extract in size according to the quantity of beer you wish to make. It can be taken in a flavour of your liking i. e. light or dark. Yeast is a important ingredient in the process of brewing beer, so you will need around 50gms of Yeast also. Other than that you will require around 5-6 cups of white sugar. After getting ready with your things the all the equipments needed in the beer making process should be cleaned thoroughly for hygienic reasons. In the large pot boil around 10 litres of water. Also pour about the same quantity of cold water in to the fermenter. Add around 1 – 1. 5 kg of malt in the boiling water and let it cook on low to medium flame for about 30 minutes. Cooking on medium to low flame helps cooking in a better manner. Add some sugar to the boiling mixture. The moment the sugar dissolves in the hot mixture, pour all the contents inside the fermenter with yeast. Add some cold water to bring down the temperature to room level. After that cover the lid and let the beer brew. Normally it will take around a week for the beer to brew completely at room temperature. After a week test the quality of beer with the help of an hydrometer or otherwise seasoned beer makers can tell its quality just by tasting it manually. After that comes the stage of taking the beer if its ready out of the fermenter and poring it inside the bottles. Do it carefully without spilling the precious liquid on the floor. Pour the beer from the fermenter inside the bottles with the help of a funnel. Frothing should also be avoided while filling and the bottles should also not be filled completely. Store the bottles in a warm dark area for few days and then make them cool. The beer is ready to drink but if you want to improve the quality then they should be stored for a bit longer period. Though it cannot be said that this kind of product and process is only for tipplers. Anybody can make and then enjoy a homemade beer in just a few simple steps as explained above. The biggest advantage of making beer at home is that it is sans any kind of preservatives and chemicals and is very pure. So, pals go ahead and make your first lot of Home made Beer and Enjoy. Cheers†¦. How to cite Drafting Process Analysis, Essays
Friday, April 24, 2020
The Hand that Robbed the Cradle Essay Example For Students
The Hand that Robbed the Cradle Essay Colettes The Hand was written during the 1920s in Paris, a time of personal and sexual liberation for many women. Unlike the more daring and outrageous people of the French art scene, Colettes protagonist is a young woman who dreams of love, marriage, and happiness in a more traditional and fairytale-like sense. The young wife is overjoyed by her new life with Prince Charming, but is too interested in what she will gain from her marriage instead of contemplating what marriage really entails. In one night, the protagonist shifts from happiness to disgust upon learning of her husbands flaws. In doing so, she must question her commitment to her marriage and her true feelings for her husband. The realization of the severity of her new role as a wife overcomes her, and she places her future in jeopardy by deciding whether she is able to tolerate a flawed human being. In the beginning of Colettes story, the nameless adolescent protagonist lies in bed too happy to sleep as she is embraced by her new husbands strong arms. We will write a custom essay on The Hand that Robbed the Cradle specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Initially, she is truly delighted with her new life and husband, and has yet to come off her cloud nine after the honeymoon. As her older, recently widowed husband lies beside her in bed, the young wife begins to study every inch of him, as if she has never seen him before, or as if she is seeing certain aspects of him for the first time. Her good looking, athletic husband slowly transforms in front of her eyes as she begins to closely scrutinize him. She notices his long eyelashes, tanned skin, and strong arm, and is content in her findings until she reaches the hand. There is an initial shock when she realizes how big his hand really is. A hand so large belongs to that of a monster, not the man she married, and disgust begins to engross her as she carefully critiques every inch of the beastly hand. As a persons hands are a window to their past and their current existence. Although the young wife really does not know, the sight of the beastly hand makes her realize that she does not care for who she thinks her husband was and is. Hands are used in greeting, embracing, and eating, and a hand that was once of proper appearance is no longer fit to touch the young wife in her eyes. Although her husband is attractive and believed to be well-to-do, she is only able to see the red hairs, big veins, and gnarled knuckles of the hand. She is appalled that she let his claw-like fist touched her during their scandalous existence a honeymoon couple, and is horrified that she has even once kissed the hand. A bloom can fall from a rose so quickly, and the young wifes juvenile and hasty reaction only reveals how immature and fickle she is. While lying in bed with her husband and the apelike hand, the protagonist begins to question his honor and integrity because of his beastly appendages. Although the man may come from some money, he obviously has no sense of decency as their conjugal romance fell little short of abduction and he is able to take a child swiftly away from her family a short time after his wifes death. The circumstances surrounding his previous wifes fatality are also questioned because of the hand, as he is seen as having while clawing at sheets in his sleep. The young woman was obviously infatuated with her suitor, but was not in love with him as she is able to conjure up horrible thoughts about her bed mate. True love allows one to accept their partners faults and look beyond them. Unfortunately the young woman is of an age of limited emotion and attachment. She is able to quickly disengage herself from a man who once gave her so much joy and now see him as an animal she lies on.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
MacBeth and Marxist Theory
MacBeth and Marxist Theory Free Online Research Papers Marxist ideology doesn’t simply indicate a belief system, but a manipulative set of ideas designed to benefit a ruling class; one which dictates a false/faulty understanding of social reality and economic foundations. The Marxist viewpoint, as it relates to Shakespeare, according to Wiatt Ropp, in his easy entitled â€Å"Marxist Criticism: MacBeth as Ideology,†suggests that Shakespeare legitimizes established authority and supports its values and beliefs. He supports this theory with the supposition that MacBeth’s ambition and violent behavior â€Å"subverts his world’s natural order, and it results in the ruin of himself and those around him.†If society’s natural condition is harmonious, as those in power tend to assert, MacBeth’s undermining of the political order (killing the king), the moral order (his lies and murder), religious order (seeking the witches consult) and male dominated order (by giving into Lady Macbeth’s wishes), it stands to reason that MacBeth is bad and, therefore, must be punished. How else are those in power able to perpetuate their power? Noam Chomsky suggests that it is the â€Å"intellectuals†within a society that tell the rest of the citizenry how to think and what to do. (87) These intellectuals tend to drift towards the upper end of the social spectrum for their own rewards, and as a result tend to support the interests of that ruling class. Messages that support, for example, the president, the law and the system, then, are the inevitable end result of their undertakings. According to George Orwell, â€Å"Shakespeare liked to stand well with the rich and powerful, and was capable of flattering them in the most servile way. He is also noticeably cautious†¦in his manner of uttering unpopular opinions. Almost never dos he put a subversive or skeptical remark into the mouth of a character likely to be identified with himself.†(61) The implication here is that Shakespeare and MacBeth, exist to support the established authority and social order, that this authority is fair and good and that those who threaten it, as Macbeth has, deserve whatever ill-fortune befalls them. The end game this ideology exists to create is an attitude of resignation; one which encourages the notion that change is not only undesireable, but, more than likely, unmanageable. Research Papers on MacBeth and Marxist TheoryEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementCapital PunishmentThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseCanaanite Influence on the Early Israelite ReligionRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionBringing Democracy to Africa
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Five Longest Mountain Ranges in Europe
Five Longest Mountain Ranges in Europe Europe is one of the smallest continents but you wouldnt know it from the size of some of its mountain ranges. The mountains of Europe have been home to some of the most daring feats in history, used by explorers and warlords alike. The ability to safely navigate these mountain ranges helped shape the world we know today through trade routes and military achievements. While today these mountain ranges are mostly used for skiing and marveling at their wondrous views, their history is no less important.  Five Longest Mountain Ranges in Europe Scandinavian Mountains - 1762 kilometers (1095 miles) Also known as the Scandes, this mountain range stretches through the Scandinavian Peninsula. They are the longest mountain range in Europe. The mountains arent considered very high but theyre known for their steepness. The western side drops into the North and Norwegian sea. Its northern location makes it prone to ice fields and glaciers. Carpathian Mountains - 1500 kilometers (900 miles) The Carpathians stretch across Eastern and Central Europe. Theyre the second-longest mountain range in the region. The mountain range can be divided into three major sections, the Eastern Carpathians, Western Carpathians, and the Southern Carpathians. The second largest virgin forest in Europe is located in these mountains. They are also home to a large population of brown bears, wolves, chamois, and lynx. Hikers can find many mineral and thermal springs in the foothills. Alps - 1200 kilometers (750 miles) The Alps are probably the most famous mountain range in Europe. This range of mountains stretches across eight countries. Hannibal once famously rode Elephants across them but today the mountain range is more home to skiers than pachyderms. The Romantic poets would be enamored with the ethereal beauty of these mountains, making them the backdrop for many novels and poems. Farming and forestry are large parts of these mountains economies along with tourism. The Alps remain one of the worlds top travel destinations, with good reason. ​ Caucasus Mountains - 1100 kilometers (683 miles) This mountain range is notable not only for its length but also for being the dividing line between Europe and Asia. This mountain range was an important part of the historical trade route known as the Silk Road. This was the road which connected the ancient Eastern and Western world. It was in use as early as 207 B.C., carrying silk, horses and other goods to trade between continents. Apennine Mountains - 1000 kilometers (620 miles) The Apennine mountain range stretches the length of the Italian Penninsula. In 2000, the Environment Ministry of Italy suggested extending the range to include the mountains of Northern Sicily. This addition would make the range 1,500 kilometers (930 miles) long. It has one of the most intact ecosystems in the country. These mountains are one of the last natural refuges of the largest European predators like the Italian wolf and Marsican brown bear, which have gone extinct in other regions.
Friday, February 14, 2020
Robert Frost Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Robert Frost - Research Paper Example Significantly, Frost occupies the status of one of the most read and constantly anthologized poets in American literature. The most remarkable characteristics of Frost’s poetry include the clarity of his diction, his colloquial rhythms, the simplicity of his images, and the unsophisticated and direct method of writing. As Katrin Gischler (2007) maintains, â€Å"Although his career started only at the age of forty, he made his mark as a poet, becoming more and more widely known until at the end he was the United States’ de facto poet laureate. He was a four-time winner of the Pulitzer Prize and received an unprecedented number and range of literary, academic, and public honors.†(Gischler, 3) Therefore, it is fundamental to realize that Robert Frost had a highly successful poetic career, which hit its peak when he recited his poem â€Å"The Gift Outright†at the inauguration of John F Kennedy in 1961. This paper makes a reflective exploration of the most es sential thematic elements in the poetry by Robert Frost, focusing on some of his most celebrated poems. Robert Frost was born to journalist William Prescott Frost, Jr. and Isabelle Moodie, in San Francisco on March 26, 1874. At the age of eleven, Frost’s father died of tuberculosis and he moved to New England, along with his mother who now resumed the career of a teacher in order to support the family. From his early school years at Lawrence High School in Lawrence, Massachusetts, Robert Frost developed interest in reading and writing poetry. Following his studies at Lawrence High School, Frost was enrolled at Dartmouth College in 1892, although he did not earn a formal degree. It is evident, from a biographical study of the poet, that Robert Frost had a tumultuous and unstable early life, but a stable and happy adult life with his wife Elinor Miriam White and his children. â€Å"The first thirty-eight years of his life were determined by his own insecurity and vulnerability . Only the influences of his mother†¦ did much to shape Frost’s basic nature. Later on, Frost also felt the influence of his high school comrade, Carl Burrell†¦ The last and longest influential relationship was that with Elinor White, whom Frost married in 1895.†(Gischler, 3) Elinor White remained the chief source inspiration for many of the poems by Robert Frost. A close analysis of the biography of Robert Frost confirms that his personal life, especially the early stages of his life, was overwhelmed with sorrow and hammering, including the death of his father due to tuberculosis, of his mother due to cancer, and the experience of mental illness and depression by his younger sister Jeanie, his daughter Irma, and his wife Elinor. Therefore, it is fundamental to realize that Robert Frost withstood several misfortunes and miseries all through his life to produce some of the most fascinating lines of poetry ever written in literature. Thematic Elements in Frostà ¢â‚¬â„¢s Poetry In American literature, Robert Frost holds a unique and almost isolated position, thanks mainly to the rhetoric devices and thematic elements of his poetry. Significantly, the basic emotional or psychological experiences expressed by this great poet of nature make an impact on the readers even today. It is essential to realize that, even while following the essential principles of versification, Robert Frost’s poetry is rich with psychological meaning and humanist ideologies. The poetic intelligence of Frost can be very well understood in the way he used traditional poetic devices such as
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Product Reassessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Product Reassessment - Essay Example With respect to gender, 80% of beer consumers using SABMiller products are male. Women account for 20% of SABMiller’s products consumed. The company’s market segments in the US are dived into 21-27 year olds. The Latin America population segment, the African Americans population segment and finally the 50 years or older population (SABMiller 2010). The target market for SABMiller has grown steadily in the past. 9% of the Latin Americans consume SABMiller products. SABMiller has positioned itself in the market to expect a 13% growth in consumption of beer by 21-27 year olds, a 32% increase in consumption of its beer products by Latinos, 15% increase in consumption by African Americans and 25% increase in consumption by individuals who are 50 years and above. As at September 30th 2012, the company’s sales rose by 4 percent in Latin America (Geller, 2012). This shows that the company has positioned itself strategically to solidify it position as the number two brewe r world wide. The company has adopted a strategy to promote its products in the existing markets in the US and avoid markets that are either too volatile or too small. Types of research needed to reposition SABMiller products Branding research SABMiller requires to embark on branding research in order to reposition its beer products. Branding research is instrumental in creating a brand that has a positive and rusted image in the mind of customers and stakeholders. Branding research enables the company’s products to be structured in a way that reflect the products as the best in the market. Through this research, SABMiller will put strategies to make its customers see, hear, experience and believe the company’s products are the best in the market. Branding research provides information that is utilized to increase brand awareness, brand recognition, and improve the perceived quality and credibility of the company. SABMiller needs to undertake branding research to posit ion its brand strategically and ultimately increase the company’s sales and profits (Vernom research group 2012). Business forecasting research. It is paramount for SABMiller to undertake business forecasting research to focus accurately on business trends. This is vital for the company to reposition itself as one of the best brewing companies in the world. This type of research assesses the opportunities for new technologies as vital elements to reposition the company’s products. Business forecasting provides information on how the company is supposed to use its resources. The resources are used to identify the market that is vital with respect to the company’s operations. Through business forecasting research, SABMiller will understand the customer’s acceptance of SABMiller’s products and customer’s likelihood to purchase its products (Vernom research group 2012). Image and advertising research According to Vernom research group (2012), SA BMiller’s repositioning among the fierce competitor should focus on boosting its image in the beer industry. This information should be obtained through conducting image and advertising research. This type of research aids the company to put more emphasis on its brand image when repositioning. Image and advert
Friday, January 24, 2020
Abortion Essay -- essays research papers
     Abortion is the termination of pregnancy before birth, resulting in, or accompanied by, the death of the fetus. Some abortions occur naturally because a fetus does not develop normally. Or because the mother has an injury or disorder that prevents her from carrying the pregnancy to a full term. This type of abortion is commonly known as a miscarriage. Other abortions are induced. Induced abortions are intentionally brought on, either because a pregnancy is unwanted or presents a risk to a woman’s health. Induced abortion has become one of the most ethical and philosophical issues of the late 20th century. Modern medical techniques have made induced abortions simpler and less dangerous. But in the United States, the debate over abortion has led to legal battles in the courts, in the Congress of the United States, and state legislatures. It has proven to be spilled over into confrontations, which are sometimes violent, at clinics where abortions are performed.      There are many different methods in having an abortion. Induced abortions are performed using one of several methods. The safest and most useful and appropriate method is determined by the age of the fetus, or the length of pregnancy, which is calculated from the beginning of the pregnant woman’s last menstrual period. Most pregnancies last an average of 39 to 40 weeks, about 9 months. This period of time is broken up into three parts known as trimesters. The first trimester is the first 13 weeks, the second trimester is from the 14 to 24 week and the third trimester lasts from the 25th week to birth. Abortions in the first trimester of pregnancy are easier and safer to perform, that is because the fetus is smaller. Abortions in the second and third trimesters are more complicated procedures, which present greater risks to a woman’s health.           In the United States, a pregnant woman’s risk of death from a first-term abortion is less than 1 in 100,000. The risk increases by about 30 percent with each week of pregnancy after 12 weeks. Although it is so dangerous many women continue to have abortions. There are even some drug medications used to terminate a woman’s pregnancy. In a method commonly referred to as the morning-after pill, a woman is given large doses of estrogen which is a f... ...rtion which is extremely dangerous. On the other hand, the argument against having abortion is that it can be very risky. Some abortions are so severe that they can kill you. Most of the abortions don’t necessarily have to protect the mothers health since she wants to kill the baby. If the mother doesn’t want to baby so badly than she should put it up for adoption. Majority of the abortions performed in the United States are done in an unskilled way, which leads to either woman dying or having horrendous side effects such as the inability to have children. The woman who is having the abortion should be responsible to prevent a pregnancy from the beginning of the sexual relationship.      In conclusion I feel that abortion should be legalized through out the world. I think an amendment should be passed for all those unwanted mothers who either can’t afford to have a baby or who just don’t want it. Obviously my position on this case is to allow the choice of an abortion in any case. I hope I’ve proved my arguments for having an abortion. In the future, I aspire that abortion will be legal in all states and not just selected states through out the country.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Home Soil by Irene Zabytko Essay
Home Soil is a story written by Irene Zabytko that takes place in Chicago during the Vietnam War. Bohdan, the narrator?s son, is the main character of the plot. His interaction with his father throughout the story proves that he is suppressing the pain that is within him. What led to this is the message that Zabytko intended for the reader; opportunities do not exist forever. Throughout the short story Bohdan displays regret, dwelling, and absolution as he realizes an opportunity has come and gone. The feeling of regret can weigh a person?s emotions beyond normalcy. As the story unfolds and the plane arrives in Chicago from San Francisco, Bohdan becomes immediately unsocial from an expected level. ?We stood apart, unlike the other soldiers and their families who were hugging and crying on each other?s shoulders in a euphoric delirium,? said Bohdan?s dad. Mentioned briefly in the beginning of the story was the fact that Bohdan?s dad was also in a war and had never spoken of it to anyone. As little words are exchanged, Bohdan?s dad finds himself wondering why his son has not told him any details of his journey. This is a realism that the father has had before in his own experiences. Zabytko then begins to tell the father?s story of regret in a lengthy description, including all of his war efforts. When regret is established one tends to dwell on that incident searching for a resolution. The semi-torturing act of dwelling is a replay of events that lead up to and include the regret that took hold. Bohdan?s parachute pin is a form of symbolism. The pin represents an unattainable dream of his. Bohdan hasn?t been able to stop thinking about the one thing he was not able to do. This, in return, explains why his concentrations seemed to be elsewhere than the reality he was living in. Bohdan?s dad also has flashbacks in his mind that cannot be controlled. Zabytko gives superb imagery as she has the dad describe his compelling story of regret. With a better understanding of dwelling through the father?s story the reader can now place a similar burden on Bohdan. ?I see him staring at the round carapace of a ceiling, stoic icons staring directly back at him,? said the dad. This image presents the importance of the thoughts that are running through Bohdan?s head. Once a person has dwelled on something to the point of driving himself insane he then usually searchs for a forg iveness or absolution. When bad thoughts have reached maximum capacity and possibilities of correction seem impossible, the last resort is a formal freeing of one?s guilt. Built up throughout the story was Bohdans? social behavior. Also, throughout the story, the father?s emotional behavior built up with Bohdans? silence. Zabytko shows the father?s plea for forgiveness when he says, ?I should have shot her. I should have spared her from whatever she had to go through.? Ultimately Bohdan wants forgiveness as well. With his father by his side, crying in the garden, Bohdan tries to cleanse his regret. The only way out of one?s regret is to except it as a missed opportunity. Bohdan does this when he says, ?Tato, I didn?t know anything. You know, I just wanted to jump out from planes with my parachute. I just wanted to fly?.? As the story ends with that statement it is assumed that the father reveals his regrets to his son as well. With sin, guilt, and obligation one ponders why they exist. They are all some given opportunity that was taken or understood the wrong way. Zabytko shows how decisions are vital for survival and wrong ones can hurt you. Some opportunities do not exist forever; do not let them slip by as Bohdan and his father did.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Neoliberalism An Dominant Ideology Of The Modern Era
Neoliberalism has often been referred to as the dominant ideology of the modern era, focusing primarily on human well-being as a mode of political economic practice through which constructs like strong private property rights, free trade, and free markets and be liberated through individual entrepreneurial freedoms and skills. Neoliberalism perpetrates the ideas of deregulation, privatization, austerity, and blame in modern society, which all affect the transgender community disproportionately in a negative manner. For example, neoliberal ideologies, tactics, and effects create an upward distribution of wealth, both nationally and globally, that results in a precarization of labor. Subsequently, members of the transgender community are not†¦show more content†¦In his book Normal Life: Administrative Violence, Critical Trans Politics, and the Limits of Law, lawyer, writer, and professor Dean Spade argues that the majority of social justice works needs to dismantle the notion that legal action in the form of recognition, visibility, and inclusion, such as anti-discrimination laws and hate crime legislation, will eliminate transphobia and related injustices, and encourages activists to take action that will transform societal standards from general society to the transgender community on an ascending scale as the only way in which to ensure sustainable, effective results. He argues that formal, or legal, equality is not deterrent, and exists as a space in which bias, exclusion, and discrimination still occur, differentiating it from actual, effective equality. Before prejudicial behavior can even occur within the legal system, however, Spade points out that litigation is expensive, thus nearly impossible for members of the transgender community to obtain and they are often precluded from job opportunities as a result of transphobia within the professional world. In addition, intent is
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